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last Labor Day when she became the only woman ever to fly a jet pro- zipping along pelled plane, at a 600-mile-an-hour clip. It was at a much slower rate of speed that she drove an automobile across the country as a girl many years ago, making headlines and mechanical history at the same time.
    This year, she is toying with the idea of thumbing back through the calendar to 1911 and the days of the old-fashioned "pusher" planes. A "pusher" plane, let it be known, is on the style of the "Kitty Hawk," the revolutionary creation of Orville and Wilbur Wright. The pilots seat, better known in flying jargon as the "undertaker's seat," is out in the open, surrounded by nothing but stray breezes which happen to be blowing through the rickety frame.
    "Now I didn't say I was going to do it," Mrs. Scott cautioned hastily. "In fact,I'm getting cold feet already. I only said I might and I'm beginning to wish I hadn't said that. Down in Washington last December when they turned the "Kitty Hawk" over to the Smithsonian Institution, I had to open my big mouth and say I wished I could fly one of those ships again.
     "And no sooner had I said it than they told me they would have one of the "pushers" out at the next Cleveland air races - just for my stunt. But believe me, I'd rather back out of the deal than back out of the plane a few hundred feet above the ground."
      At any rate, Mrs. Scott will receive a royal welcome at the famous meet. She is known to nearly every pioneer flyer in the country and is one of the Board of Trustees of the "Early Birds," a national organization composed of a handful of flyers who were airborne before World War 1. The C eveland races mark their annual reunion, giving them a chance to reminisce and look ahead to the still-unbounder horizons of aviation.
    The Labor Day weekend will mark Mrs. Scott's first vacation from her "Roberta" role at the radio station in 24 months, and she is looking forward to it with all the enthusiasm of an air cadet on his first mission. Accompanying her as a fellow-member will be Russell Holderman, chief pilot for the Gannett Newspapers.
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One of the students who will show her pretty face in the University of Pennsylvania’s classrooms this fall, is apt to surprise both her colleagues and her professors with her knowledge of social work. For during her years in Rochester, Miss Eleanor Messenger has been one of the guiding lights of the family– children division of the Council of Social Agencies here.

Previously, she did social work in Atlonta, Ga., and in Buffalo, and during the war, aided wounded and sick soldiers in hospitals overseas as part of her American Red Cross work. After the war, she crossed the Atlantic several times, assisting American servicemen’s wives from England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales enter this country, and later taking American wives and children to Germany to join servicemen stationed there.

She will leave here Aug. 1 too [sic] enter the University's School of Social Work and take an advanced course in the psychiatric social field with the Philadelphia Child Guidance Clinic. She bequeaths her post as president of the Women’s Council of the Rochester Chamber of Commerce to Miss Irene Muniz, home service director of the Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation.

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Rose Marrone, remembered here as a member of the Rochester Grand Opera Company's choral group, is vacationing at her home at 167 Pershing Dr. this week. She’s taking a breather between performances with the New York City Opera Company. She left the city back in 1945 after study at Eastman School of Music and continued her career in New York. Last summer she was cast in several prominent roles with an all metropolitan cast of the Cincinnati opera company. She was last seen here in “Il Travatore”.

GOP "Insurgents" To Run in Gates
Gates “insurgent” Republicans led by Peace Justice Herbert G. Kuhn have declared open war on the regular organization of supervisor Elbert D. Finch.

Kuhn himself will oppose Finch for the Supervisor nomination in the Republican primary, it was announced yesterday, while Charles L. Lechner and Kenneth are. Camp will bear the insurgent banner for peace justices. Mary are. Harrington, veteran town clerk who was left off the organization slate this year as was Kuhn, will bid for the town clerk nomination while Joseph W. Schafer and William H. Blacken, Jr. will fight for assessor nominations.

Petitions designating these candidates already are in circulation, according to the statement from the Kuhn camp. Arthur D. Hauck of Mareeta St. is temporary chairman of the Kuhn forces, according to the statement. 

Woman Gets $25 Fine On Vacancy Charge

Ella Mae Singleton, 34, of 50 Joseph Ave., was fined $25 by Judge Georg D. Ogden in city court yesterday after she pleaded guilty to vagrancy in connection with a prostitution charge. She was arrested July 18 at 28 Holland St. along with a 41-year-old man charged with being the keeper of a disorderly house.

2 Ironndequoiters Join Airborne Infantry

Three-year enlistments for Robert O. Schafer of 118 George St., Irondequoit, and Calvin F. Allan of 165 Avenue C., Irondequoit, were announced yesterday at the United States Army Recruiting Station. Both boys in listed in the airborne infantry.


Cost of respirators used in drownings in gas asphyxiation is currently under study by the Chili branch of the American Red Cross, it was desclised [sic] yesterday. Chairman of the committee in charge of the investigation is Mrs. Howard Parker, whose report will be read at a later meeting.