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Washington Dinner to Honor Hornellian, Pioneer Flier

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Hornell--Mrs. Blanche Stuart Scott of 60½ Bennett St. is one of the 10 pioneer aviators to be honored Oct. 14 at the International Air Pioneers dinner at the Hotel Mayflower, Washington, D.C.

The dinner is being given by the National Aeronautic Association, the U.S. representative of the Federation Aeronautique Internationale. Richard E. Byrd, Rear Admiral, USN, retired, is the NAA president.

In a personal letter ot[[sic]] Mrs. Scott, Admiral Byrd wrote:

"In the half century since its advent, many have contrbuted[[sic]] to the rapid improvement of the airplane. It has seemed especially appropriate that the International Air Pioneers dinner, to honor you and others who have contributed to the progress of aeronautics, should be planned for the 48th anniversary date of the Federation Aeronautique Internationale.

"I am looking forward to the opportunity of greeting you upon this memorable occasion."

In addition to the dinner, a pilgrimage to Kitty Hawk, N.C., is being planned for the honored guests. Besides the ten U.S. air pioneers, flyers from Europe and several South American countries will be present

Mrs. Scott is the first woman to receive a pilot's license in the United States and was a student of Glenn Curtis at Hammond- [[Hammondsport]] making her first solo flight

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in 1910. She was recently honored at the Dayton Air Show. She still holds a pilot's license. Currently, Mrs. Scott better known as "Roberta," is a commentator on Station WLEA and is active in civic affairs.


Rebekahs Elect At Atlanta

Atlanta--The following officers of the Rebekah Lodge have been elected for the coming year:

Noble grand, Hazel Hagadone; vice grand, Elizabeth Stocking; recording secretary, Eva Jackson; financial secretary, Beatrice Gerould; treasurer, Marjorie Northrup; trustee, Clara Hayes.

These and appointive officers will be installed in lodge hall Wednesday evening, Oct. 14, by District Deputy Ida Johnson and staff of Hornell. A 6:30 dinner will be served in Wilson Hall by the Aid Society of the Presbyterian Church.


Presbyterians Plan Atlanta Events

Atlanta--Several events are planned in the near future at the Presbyterian Church.

The Dorcas Class will meet in Wilson Hall Tuesday evening with Mrs. Loleta Root, Mrs.