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Democrat and Chronicle
14  Thursday, Oct. 15,1953

State Chamber Members Gather For Convention

As 200 representatives to the annual meeting of the Empire State Chamber of Commerce trickled into Rochester last night, the board of directors welcomed its 24 new members at the Sheraton Hotel. They included Bernard E. Finucane, president of the Security Trust Co.
  Today's one-day conference has brought many of the state's business leaders to the city. In the Chamber of Commerce this morning, a president will be elected to succeed F. Ritter Shumway of Rochester, who has served three one-year terms. The nominating committee me last night, but its decision was kept secret.
  The Empire State unit is an association of 101 local chambers. It acts as a clearing house for the ideas of its members and works with state legislative committees.
  Lt.Gen. Albert C. Wedemeyer, Ret., will address the delegates at noon on current developments at home and abroad. Gen. Wedemeyer was chief of staff for Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek in China and commander of United States forces in that area from 1944 to '46. A year later, he headed President Truman's mission to that country.
  But Gen. Wedemeyer's report, filed when the Communist intent to control China was evident, was suppressed by the State Department for two years because advisers felt its content would be fatal to Chinese morale. He had criticized Chiang's regime as reactionary and suggested that Manchuria be put under United Nations supervision.

Approval was given an Empire State Chamber subcommittee last night by the board of directors to proceed with a sweeping tax study. The subcommittee intends to analyze overlapping federal and state taxes and revenue sources.
   Its recommendations will be carried to the state's Temporary Commission on State-Fiscal Affairs and the new Federal Commission on Intergovernmental Relations. These agencies were established by President Eisenhower and Governor Dewey to investigate overlapping taxes and decentralize taxing authority.
   A second subcommittee disclosed statue revisions that it will ask the State Tax Commission to include in its legislative program next year. The board, however, tabled a motion that working mothers be given a $2,000 state income tax deduction if they have children under 12 who must be supervised.

EMPIRE STATERS - Arriving for session of State Chamber of Commerce yesterday, beginning second from left, are Leroy Lincoln, chairman of the board of Metropolitan Life Insurance Company; Harold W. McGraw, vice president of McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, and John M. Budinger, vice president of Bankers Trust Company of New York. They are greeted by Rochester Chamber President Charles W. Carson.

Area Woman Honored in D.C. as Air Pioneer

Washington - (GNS) - Some of aviation's biggest names last night paid tribute to a petite former Rochester woman, one of the first women in the world to solo in an airplane.
  She is Mrs.Blanche Stuart Scott of Hornell, only women ever taught to fly by air pioneer Glenn H. Curtiss. She took her plane aloft alone for the first time from Curtiss' School at Hammondsport, in Steuben County, 43 years ago, in 1910.
  Gen. James H. Doolittle at a banquet here last night presented Mrs. Scott with a gleaming bronze medal in recognition of her service to aviation.
  She was one of 10 aviation pioneers from all parts of the world, invited here by the Aeronautics Association of the United States to receive is medal and scroll.  Four of the 10 are women. 
  Speakers at last night's affair were Sinclair Weeks, secretary of commerce, Cornelis Kolff of the Netherlands, president of the Federation Aeronautique International, and Gordon McGregor of Canada, president of the International Air Transport Association. All praised the vision and courage of Mrs. Scott and the other air pioneers.
  The medal, presented by Gen. Doolittle for the U.S. Aeronautics Organization, is about three inches in diameter. On one side is a profile of the Wright Brothers, and on the other a super-jet plane and the Wright flyer, which the Wright Brothers first took into the air at Kitty Hawk, N.C. 50 years ago.
  The scroll accompanying the medal said it was given to Mrs. Scott in appreciation and recognition 
of her "real pioneering efforts which have contributed so importantly to the continuing progress of aviation during the first half-century since Kitty Hawk."

Rochester Chapter, American Material Handling Society,will hear J. Francis Carle of Cleveland at 6:30 p.m. today in Hotel Rochester. Carle is director of education and training for the Lincoln Extension Institute Inc. 

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