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{Journal Herald, Dayton, Ohio}

j. Gen. Victor N. Kuvinov,
helicopter. The latter re-
are here for the National

che Arrives
Poses For Camera;
kia Also Sends Aides

Staff Writer
tarily here last night as military
Czechoslovakia hobnobbed with
s and U.S. aviation leaders here

r attache at the Russian embassy
tted freely--even with reporters.

st year when General Kuvinov
his picture taken, mixed only with
and walked out on the air show

ays of the show if it is good...
(I) do not plan to take pictures of (t)he aerial demonstration. I am (h)ere as a watcher only."
When the general learned this (r)eporter was stationed with Russians in Alaska during World War II, he told freely of a 10-day mission to the same base "to pick

A FORMATION OF AF transports soared serenely over Cox Municipal airport yesterday during a preview run of the National Aircraft show. Compared to the jets that whizzed around them, they seemed to be standing still.


Helicopter Taxi Rides Set for Press; Pioneer Aviatrix Is Here For Show
Riverview park again will become downtown Dayton's "heliport."
Starting at 10 a.m. today, helicopters will arrive and depart at frequent intervals, carrying members of the working press to Cox municipal airport. 
The odd-looking craft will cruise at about 65 miles an hour, jumping over any traffic jams that may develop on the ground.
Only tickets required for the trip are blue cards identifying the bearer as "a genuine U.S. Army hoverbug"--but only members of the working press can get them, according to Maj. James W. Campbell, Army public information officer.
* * *
One of the nation's first aviatrixes, Blanche Stuart Scott of Rochester, N.Y., is visiting Dayton during the aircraft show.
Glenn H. Curtiss taught her to fly Sept. 6, 1910, in a flimsy craft powered by a 35-horsepower motor that sounded like "a bolt in a dishpan," Miss Scott said.
"I learned to fly because I loved excitement and didn't know any better," she said. Miss Scott became an exhibition flyer with such aviation pioneers as Lincoln Beachey and Glen Martin. 
"It was nothing in those days to make $5,000 a week," she recalled yesterday.
In 1948, Air Force Maj. Charles (Chuck) Yeager, now holder of the world's speed record for aircraft, took her for a ride in a jet. Although he did some snap rolls and then dived 14,000 feet, Miss Scott said the ride was a disappointment.
"There was no vibration, no wind. You didn't realize the speed," she said.
Now she has the helicopter bug. "I like to flit around in them," she said, "but if I'm going any place, I like the solid floorboards of a transport under me."
How did she get to Dayton this time?
"I drove down in my car," Miss Scott said, "but never again."
* * *
Maj. Gen. James M. Gavin, Army assistant chief of staff, G-3 (operations and training), yesterday canceled plans to attend the show. A spokesman said he had been detained in Washington because of official duties.
* * *
Over 100 state patrolmen and 35 sheriff's deputies--including auxiliary state officers and deputized Box 21 members--have been assigned to handle Air Show traffic.
The city will send over 60 policemen a day plus a number of auxiliary officers to handle crowds inside the gates. This is more than the number assigned to normal patrol duty during any eight-hour shift.
