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new building itself, off Brooks Avenue, the combination of beauty, luxury and the utility evoked loud praise from many spectators.
The main speaker, Rep. Kenneth B. Keating, Rochester Republican, expressed hope that the genius which propelled the air age into "magnificent achievements" will guide the world toward peace.
"Genius has given us unmatched progress in air development" he said. "There is genius still among us to find the way of peace. God give us the strength and determination to succeed."
The air age, just half a century old, dates back to the same year as the first international arbitration agreement, he pointed out.
"The men who have tired to carry on the work done by our great compatriot Elihu Root (secretary of state under Theodore Roosevelt) have not been as successful as the followers of Orville Wright," he said. "We have done much better with the laws of physics during this last half-century than with the problems of how men are going to live side by side in this new era of constricted time and space."
Keating emphasized, however, that he was not making a prophesy of doom. "I believe," he declared, "that the outlook is gloomy but hopeful. I have faith in the next 50 years."
Maj. Gen. Edward Peck Curtis and Russell Holderman, both Rochester veterans of the air age, were honored by presentation of plaques citing their achievements. The plaques-and two others-will be mounted near the entrance of the new building.
In Gen. Curtis' absence-he was in Washington on government business-Brig. Gen. Alfred H. Doud presented his plaque and cited his achievements for the development of military aviation. According to the International News Service, Gen. Curtis is on President Eisenhower's list of visitors today.
Gen. Curtis served in the nation's air arm in the two World Wars, Gen. Doud told the crowd. He cited his achievements as a fighter pilot in World War I and as a valiant, resourceful leader in the second conflict. Since World War II, he added, he has served the government in many important assignments and when not in the public service he devotes much energy in civic enterprises.
Harry B. Crowley recited Holderman's  long, colorful flying career, dating back within 10 years of Orville Wright's first successful flight. In 1913, he said, Holderman-chief pilot of The Gannett Newspapers-made his first solo flight at the age of 17. Only his youth, Crowley continued, and parental insistence made him delay his debut as a professional flyer.
He cited Holderman's successive stages as a stunt flyer, mail pilot and ultimately as Gannett Company pilot. He also praised Frank Gannett as one of the early aviation enthusiasts who boosted public confidence in air travel.
Curtis Potter, Rochester sales manager f American Airlines, and Jennings Randolph,  assistant to the president of Capital Airlines, presented the plaques dedicated to the county's people by their firms.
The sounds of the air age crashed through the ceremony's solemnity three times. The roar of amphibious PBM drowned out part of the invocation of the 

[[image - top cut off. picture of Blanche Stuart Scott, Francis H. Carroll, and Harold C. Ostertag]]
CHAT-Rep. Harold C. Ostertag, Miss Blanche Stuart Scott, Francis H. Carroll, from left, talk after the ceremony.

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Most Rev. Lawrence B. Casey, auxiliary to the bishop of Rochester; Keating was interrupted by the noise of a Flying Boxcar in take-off, and Holderman's acceptance was halted - appropriately - by the whir of a small monoplane, the type he flew during his early days.
Festivities began at 10 a.m. when the doors of the new building were thrown open to the public. A steady stream of visitors, estimated at 3,000 by Police Sgt. Albert Heinke, gave visible and audible signs of admiration of what they saw. They toured the modern ticket sale and baggage facilities of the three airlines serving the county - American, Capital and Mohawk; the spacious depot floor; the luxury of the raised lounge overlooking the field, and, beyond a wall of glass, an outdoor terrace.
At 11 o'clock there was a concert by the Rochester Park Band. Two hours later the Air Force Drum and Bugle Corps played on the terrace and followed up with the sharp marching musicianship that has earned it the championship among service bands of its type.
A third musical organization, the American Legion Grey Knights Drum and Bugle Corps, closed the festivities with a marching demonstration after the rededication ceremony.
Nine veterans organizations presented colors to the airport: American Legion, Dr. Michael Crino; Veterans of Foreign Wars, J. Mallory Loos; Disabled American Veterans, Russell Schubert; United Spanish War Veterans, George Stout; Catholic War Veterans, Gerard Beauchamp; Jewish War Veterans, Meyer Davidson; Order of the Purple Heart, Charles McCoy; Army and Navy Union, Jacob Gubler, and Marine Corps Leauge, Roy Kelly.
Jewish, Catholic and Protestant clergymen offered prayers for the peaceful purpose and success  of the rededicated airport. They were Rabbi Philip S. Bernstein of Temple Brith Kodesh, Bishop Casey, and the Rev. Hugh Chamberlin Burr, D.D.. executive secretary of the Federation of Churches of Rochester and vicinity.
Another veteran flyer - Miss Blanche Stuart Scott, former Rochesterian and first woman to pilot a plane - was in the stand in addition to Holderman. Although she had not flown in more than 30 years, she reminisced after the formal program about "those wonderful times" she spent as a stunt pilot. She first took controls of a plane in 1910 at Hammondsport and stunted in a single-seat ships of that time for seven years professionally, she said, adding that she has not flown since then. She now is with the Ithaca radio station. 
Gordon A. Howe, chairman of the Board of Supervisors, pre-

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sided during the ceremony which was slightly curtailed because of the extreme heat. He also accepted the plaques presented to the people.
Carl S. Hallauer, chairman of the Rochester-Monroe County Airport Rededication Committee spoke briefly. Among civilain and military leaders introduced were Rep. Harold C. Ostertag, Attica Republican, in whose district the airport lies; Maj. Gen. Richard Lindsay, commandant of Sampson Air Force Base; Francis H. (Midge) Carroll, head of the county Department of Public Works under which the airport operates; Edwin C. Houters, airport manager; Clarence A. Smith, county manager; Louis B. Cartwright, his city counterpart; members of the Board of Supervisors, the City Council and other civic leaders.
On the field, military and civilian aircraft of all sizes were on display to the public, to the particular delight of the children.

2 City Soldiers Reach Fort Dix 

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Two Rochester men have ar[[?]] Fort Dix, N.J., for eight [[?]] basic training. [[?]]