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Miss Thaden has set some marvelous records that make our early attempts look pretty simple, but back in the Fall of 1911 I took off from a field on Long Island and soared to the astounding distance of sixty miles.  Today that would be considered just a minor shuttle flight.

What did you do after that sixty mile flight?

For the next few years it was a succession of carnival and fair dates giving flying exhibitions with Lincoln Beachey, Tom Gunn the Chinese flyer, Glenn Martin, Phil Parmalee and many others of the Early Birds.

Wasn't flying dangerous in those days? 

Yes, there was an element of danger. In the early days of any pioneering work there is bound to be accidents. As I compare our ships with the modern airliner of American Airlines that I flew down from Rochester in, I wonder that there weren't more fatalities.

While flying at a meet held in Boston at the old Squantum Field, I lost my flying partner, Harriet Quinby, the first woman to fly the English Channel