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Transcription: [00:43:51]
Speaker 1: They say the birch bark adds something to it.
Joann:: Mmm Hmmm, Well I guess during famine in Finland they use to make a bread and to stretch the flour they use to grind um birch up real fine and add that into the flour to stretch their flour.
and um I make a sour rye bread you don't use any shortening or any sugar in it. Its just your basic ingredients, you use uh sour milk, your flours, and salt. Its a very salty bread that uh they use with cold cuts and fish.
And its just a basic bread but really very good. And your just use ingredients that you happen to have you don't have to put a lot of things in it you don't use any uh caraway seed or anything its just uh basic bread, but its really good.
Speaker 1: Laimi how bout your, how do you use salt pork, i think we use a lot of salt pork in cooking too,
Laimi: I don't know much about salt pork
Speaker 1: Oh, you don't make the poor mans gravy?
Laimi: No
Speaker 1: you don't? How about Karen?
Karen: They use to but not any more.
Speaker 1: Well we use still make it, how about Joann you make it?
Joann: Once in a while we do.
Speaker 1: Yeah, you just fry the salt pork.
Joann: Right you take salt pork and slice it and fry it in the pan and then make a gravy with it.
Speaker 1:Yeah that's when you cant afford steak that day.
Joann: Right ha ha
Speaker 1: It works pretty good, you can use a lot of imagination ha ha, but they do use a lot of uh, they make a lot of pots or casseroles what they call them, or stews, we are very much into stews, and um but not much pies or sweets. Is there anything else we forgot?
Laimi: So many things to tell, it would take some much time to tell
Speaker 1: I cant think of anything, but any ways for those that were here earlier we might talk about the coffee again,I think uh,
uh like I said before we uh we do like we like to drink coffee and uh we have little customs with coffee, uh oh its kinda an insult if you don't bring or have coffee when someone comes over and its hard for the people in our area when they come to stay,
like we had a minister just recently come from Connecticut and he just couldn't believe all this coffee we drink and that you have to have coffee and bola every time,
and our church had a lot of socials and he just couldn't get over this because we always serve coffee and for just about everything,
But uh coffee is uh a really uh Finnish drink and uh Laimi had she she'll show you how to drink coffee from a the way the Finns like to drink it from a cup, its a way of balancing. You either use, some people use 3 fingers and some use four.