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he could direct us to best place. This was my 1st day out after my cold & I was slowed a bit but not too bad. || Collected a ^[[7]] no. of samples, then started home. || Sat on lee side of a ridge and had lunch -- nuts, chocolate. Arrived home about 2:30. Air T. upon ridge was 21 [[degrees]]f. After half an hour or so of changing & settling, we started out again. By then the PM was so sunny that I left sweater behind & wore red top w ^[[blue]] jacket in pack. One change I made was w my left boot: when I put my boot on it was [[?]] but they always are. However my left toes felt cramped all a.m. so I checked to see what was wrong. I found  whole piece innersole crumpled into the toe! What a thing! with that gone the boot was quite comfortable.

We hiked to Cape Badman -- a long way. 1st on beach then up and down -- spectacular views of James Ron Jr. & whole bay - Icebergs offshore; sea water very blue & calm. Now & then a ripple approaching -- or rather a  wave a few inches high - to break on shore. On way back, a big penguin squawked at us from a hillside; we once again took photos of our 11 molting penguins.

Back in camp, Jeff gave me back my Cecil ms w a few comments. He had greatly enjoyed it. Liked having the whole story in one place.

Many stayed out late -- esp. Lanz -- and dinner was late. Scott & Jeff S. made good hamburg Ragu w. macaroni.

At 9:00 PM a big meeting on the K/T which is 

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losing its definition. At the bottom of the world, far from [[type?]] section, ammonites occur above the [[glavidrite?]] in one patch. Paleontol. & lithologic boundaries do not usually match. Big group effort tomorrow to look & decide what the data are -- before everybody publishes something different.
We had a clear sky & sunset, & I watched disk go down, leaning head out of cook tent. No green flash. But people up by big tent saw the green flash -- and infact a subsequent blue one! How do I miss these things so consistently? But I did not miss the moon rise. Just before meeting began I stepped out of big tent & there it was - moon coming up over the [[?]]. Looked full & beautiful; and rabbit clear & striking. Constellation beautiful but sky too [[strikethrough]] lbert [[/strikethrough]] light for Jeff to [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] take the photos he wanted. I tried 2 of them of the Southern moon. 

[[underlined]] Thursday, Mar. 7.[[/underlined]]

Tony's alarm went off ~6:30 & mine would have at 6:45 -- to be ready for 8:30 hike. But the wind was up and I hoped that meant no field day. I goofed off until ~7:45 then, noting that it was sunny in tent, looked out. A beautiful morning with not enough wind to stop us. I was nearly ready to have done an 8:30 outing but not quite. In any case, Bill was leaving later so Jeff & I started into field w. Bill Jeff S. & Luis. [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] I promptly fell headlong on glare ice and, I thought, wrenched my back, but that quieted down as I walked. I was keeping pace pretty well until Bill said to Jeff P. "I'm going over there to pick up a fossil, you