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1907. February 2. Saturday at Baddeck 65
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Radicál Paris
26 Nov. 1906

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Intéressantes expériences

Mantes, 25 novembre.
Le dirigeable Patrie a fait, ce matin, à Moisson, une ascension particulièrement  intéressante au point de vue militaire.
Le ballon s'est élevé au-dessus des nuages, invisible aux spectateurs. De temps en temps, une rapide plongée lui permettait de photographier le terrain et de lancer des projectiles. Dans la nacelle, le capitaine Voyer dirigeait la manœuvre.
Le commandant Bouttieaux, MM. Paul et Pierre Lebaudy, l'ingénieur Julliot, assistaient aux expériences.
L'ascension a duré une heure un quart.

Daily News.
New York.
27 Nov 1906.


(Special to the New York Daily News.)

HALIFAX, Nov. 26.—Commander Peary and Mrs. Peary left Sydney today for New York by rail. The Roosevelt will be overhauled and a new crew engaged.
Commander Peary said he could make no announcement as to another Arctic trip until he meets his friends in New York. He believes that the airship, when perfected, will be the best means to reach the Pole.

Herald Rochester NY
27 Nov 1906.

Another Prize for Aerialists.

London, Nov. 26.—Another prize of £500 is offered to aerialists. This will be given by the new automobile racing club to the first heavier than air machine which makes a circuit of the club's three mile track, now being built at Weybridge, within eighteen minutes under given conditions. There is now £17,000, besides numerous valuable trophies, awaiting capture in England by the world's flyers. In addition there is £12,000 and various trophies in France.

American New York
27 Nov 1906


Squadron of Fighting Aerial Vessels After Lebaudy Model Preparing.
Dirigible Flies Sixty Miles 
and Is Steered as Close and 
Easily as a Yacht.
Special Cable to New York American.
Paris, Nov. 26.—France will soon have a navy of the air. A fleet of aerial warships is to be built—indeed, a squadron is already being constructed.
The dirigible war balloon of MM. Lebaudy, built on the plans by the celebrated engineer, Juiliot, has made an astonishing flight, absolutely unattached, and has proved as much under control as a first-class yacht.
The scene of to-day's flight was at Moissow, near Mantes, Department of Seine-et-Oise, and the distance made was sixty miles. This success following that of ten days ago, when the machine stayed in the air two hours and twenty minutes, has created the greatest excitement in the French War Department, which is now convinced that the day of a possible warfare in the air is at hand. This airship of the Lebaudys is named La Patrie, and is driven by a motor which gives the propellers an average of 850 revolutions per minute. She is cigar-shaped, but much larger and powerful than that of Santos Dumont.
The experiment to-day was the more brilliant repetition of that of November 16. After several trials made when the airship was but a foot or so above the earth to see if the motor was working well, six passengers, including an engineer from the War Office, entering the car, and at 9:20 the motor was set working and La Patrie rose grafecully from the ground to

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Norddeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung
27 Nov 1906. Berlin

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Von der „Groberung der Luft“ spricht bei Gelegen-heit der neuen Flugbersuche Santos = Dumonts W.F. Garrett Fisher in einem intereffanten Artifel der Londoner Tribune, in dem er auch von Flugversuchen in früheren Zeiten berichtet. Es ist fraglich, ob die Flugleistungen des Brasilianers nicht schon von denen die Feschichte nur unsichere Berichte überltefert hat.
Schon seit langem baben die Menschen versucht, aus einem genauen Studium des Vogelfluges die Ronstruttion einer einfachen brauchbaren Flugmaschine zu finden.

Herald New York
27 Nov 1906

The Military Balloon Patrie in Speed Tests Satisfies the French Government.
Paris, Tuesday.
The HERALD's European edition publishes the following:--
The military balloon Patrie made an ascent yesterday morning, remaining in the air from nine o'clock till half-past eleven. It made tests of speed endurance under particularly favorable circumstances and more than satisfied the conditions of the contract made between the Minister of War and the constructors.
The airship started from the balloon shed at Moisson and returned to the starting point, having covered a distance of ninety-three kilometres (nearly sixty miles).

Transcription Notes:
Stopped partway through the transcription of the German text. The typescript is Fraktur, and the translation to English script can be found on Yale's website: