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[[Upside down text snippets at top of document]]
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Staats Zeitung New York
15 Mar 1907

[[Left Article]]

Aeronauten biem Lebesmaht. 
Bartholomew Andrews als der Erfin der des erften lenfbaren Luftfchiffs. 

Jm Hotel St. Regis deranstaltete der "Aero Club of America" sein erstes jähriches Bantett. Bräsident Courilandt Field Bishop fungirte als Toaftmafter und über 250 Ballonenthusiasten, darunter Rongreßmitglied Herbert Barfons, der Nordpol fahrer Anton Fiala, Admiral Chefter u. W hatten sich als Gäste eingefunden. 
Unter den Rednern des Ubends erregte herr E. B. Bronfon, welcher den ersten erfolgreichen Ballon-Ausstieg in New York im Jahre 1874 vom Thurme des alten Madison Square Garden aus unternahm und einmal Bolle 26 Stunden lang in den Lüften dermeilte, mit feiner Anfdrache beträchtliches Aussehen. Er sagte, er sei in den legten Doutemnten getommen, aus denen unzweifelhaft hervorgehe daß schon im Jahre 1862 Bartholomew Andrews don Berth Ambon, der Crsinber der Bersdlußstüde an ben Boftfäden der Bundesregierung eine Auffahrt in einem don ihm fonstruirten lenkbaren Lustschiffe unternommen habe. Er habe 20 Spiralen, jede don 12 Meilen Länge, in 14 Minuten umfahren. Das ergibt eine Gefchwindigteitstrate don 130 Meilen die Stunde. Das Ballons vonftruirt gewesen, die 30 Fuß lang waren und einen Durchmesser don 30 Fuß besaßen. Der Redner sagte, daß die Dokumente im Besiße von Dr. Francis Mitchell seien und die Absicht bestehe, ein Lustschiff gleicher Arbeit zu erbauen, mit welchem man den Meltrekorb zu erringen hoffe. Der Name Bartholomew Andrews' werde dann für die Luftschifffahrt dieselbe Bedeutung haben, wie der Robert Fulton's für die Dampfschifffahrt.

[[?]] New York
15 Mar. 1907

Contest for World Championship in St. Louis Next October.

The cup for the world championship for balloon racing, now the property of the Aero Club of America, which also is the youngest of the aero clubs, is to be raced for at St. Louis in October. France, England, Germany, Spain and America will enter three balloons each and Italy one.

The Aero Club of America held its first annual dinner at the Hotel St. Regis last night. "By a coincidence," said President Bishop, "the Aero Club of France, the oldest of the aero clubs, has its dinner at the same time. We sent them a congratulatory cable despatch and received one in return."
[[Right Article]]
Sun. World New York 
15 Mar 1907


Will Act as One of Representatives of United States at St. Louis

ST. LOUIS, March 15.-St. Louis, New York and Philadelphia will be the official representatives of the United States in the international balloon race which is to be held in this city in October.

Each competing country is entitled to three entries. Secretary Kearney, of the St. Louis Aero Club, received word from Philadelphia last night that it would be on hand with a big balloon and several aerial enthusiasts.

Officially the entries are now closed.

but others may come in and act as "chaperons."

The names of the three men who will act as pilots have been made known. Allan R. Hawley will have charge of the St. Louis balloon. His competitors will be Lieut. Frank Lahm. of the United States Army, and J.C. McCoy, of New York. McCoy and Lahm will decide between themselves which balloon each will pilot.

The St. Louis Club has had made an aeronautic man of the city, 2,000 copies of which have been printed and are beinfg sent by Secretary Kearney to all parts of the globe. On its margin is a record of balloon flights which have been made from this and other cities in this country, which includes the longest that is a matter of record up to 1900.

This was the flight of John Wise from this city in 1859, and which ended in Henderson, N.Y., the distance covered being 1,150 miles.

Sun Telegraph New York 
15 Mar. 1907

[[Upside down image covering up most of text]]

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Transcription Notes:
-Couldn't transcribe the written comments on the top and between the articles, or the first article on the left.