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07. June. 1.
[[Sue?]] Post New York
15 Mar 1907

If any layman should doubt that ballooning has become a regularly established sport, let him examine "Le Vade-mecum de l'Aéronaute" (Paris: en vente chez l'auteur), by Georges Blanchet, "pilot" of the Aero-Club of France. Here we have a sufficiently practical hand-book, and a readable one too, on the anatomy of the balloon, its operation and manipulation, in short on what in military parlance we should call its service. These pages open a new world to us, and bear witness to the audacious ingenuity of man. Is ballooning dangerous? Our author says no, because most dangers can be anticipated and met; and he tells us how. For example, if the net, through moisture (and moisture seems to be one great enemy to be feared), should weaken and break, the balloon proper may escape, leaving the aeronaut (temporarily) in mid-air. The remedy is simple: inspect your net frequently and protect it against damp. We have no space to mention the various points brought out by the author; how a balloon may be "sucked up" by a thunder storm; when it is safe to smoke on a trip; what to say to a peasant when you land in his potato field, and so on. These matters are all realities to the aeronaut, and he must know, and know at once, what to do in each case as it presents itself. M. Blanchet, speaking from experience, is always ready with his solution.

Journal, Kansas City Mo.
15 [[Mar?]] 1907

For a long time the United States gov-
[[upside down]]
CO., 1105 WALNUT ST.

sappointed In Tailoring
take in buying your Easter Suit.
and make which are sure to please the
107 East 10th St.

A Musical Treat
Mr. Frederick J. Curth, the cele-

Saturday at Baddeck
Herald Topeka Kan
15 Mar 1907

   Leavenworth, March 15.-The announcement that the War department has directed that the large balloon now being manufactured under an appropriation from Congress be sent to Fort Leavenworth for trial and instruction in ballooning by the student officers of the Signal school, is to be followed soon by another announcement of the detail of Lieutenant Frank, P. Lahm, Sixth cavalry, as instructor in ballooning and “sailing the air.”
   This officer has the distinction of having sailed in air the longest distance on record and secured for America the contest in which he sailed, being an international one, the first prize for which aero clubs were contending.
   Lieutenant Lahm sailed from Paris to Fly Dale, England, leaving at 3 o’clock in the afternoon and landing the following afternoon at 5 o’clock, having been continuously in the air for twenty-six hours, and traveling a distance of more than 400 miles. This record astounded the entire world last year, and established Lieutenant Lahm’s fame as an aeronaut the highest rank.
   Lieutenant Lahm is a native of Ohio and a graduate of West Point, entering the army in June, 1897.

Les [[?]] Paris 
16 Mar 1907
Le Banquet annuel de l’Aéro-Club d’Amérique
   New-York, 15 mars - Par câble de notre correspondant. - Le banquet annue de l’Aéro Club l’Amérique a eu lie jeudi soir. au Saint-Régis-Hôtel, à New York, et réunissait plus de deux cent convives.
   Le président Cortlaudt Bishop a annoncé au dessert que cinq nations s’ t’aient régulièrement inscrites pour Coupe aéronautique Gordon Bennet dont la date irrévocable est le 19 octobre.
   L’enthousiasme a été porté à son comble quand on a lu une lettre des frères Wright annonçant qu’ils pouvaient faire publiquement la preuve qu’ils ont bien résolu le problème de l’aviation.
   Un toast a été porté au champion Frank Lahm.
   Enfin l'enfin des cablogrammes de felicitation avec l'Aero Club de France a [[?]] de chaleureux applaudisse [[?]]

La visita del re d'Italia in Grecia
ATENE 13 (GRAZIOTTI). Fenvono i preparativi per l'imminenta arrivo del re d'Italia.
La torpediniera d'alto mare "Pellicano" é giunta a Pireo, portando il signor Zaimis, alto Commissario a Creta ed é [[?]]rimasto in porto per preparare gli [[or -eggi?]] alla squadra italiana che scortera [[?]]ttorio Emanuele III. Pero solo il <> e la <> rimarranno al[[?]]: la squadra ormeggera a Falero. [[?]] grandioso corteggio luminoso ad Ate


Transcription Notes:
two articles are overlapping.