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1907. June 1. Saturday at Baddeck 35

[[?]] New York
19 Mar 1907
Georgia Aeronaut Planning Trip from Atlanta to Exposition.
A balloon entry that attracted considerable interest among the members of the Aero Club of America last night at their meeting at 12 East Forty-second Street was received by Israel Ludlow for the coming aeronautical contests to be held at Norfolk during the Jamestown Exposition. The entry came fvrom Bert G. Courtright, an aeronautical engineer of Atlanta Ga. He stated that beside competing in some of the Jamestown events he intended to travel to Norfolk through the air, making the flight in his balloon, John Wise. which has a capacity of about 48,000 cubic feet. Mr. Courtright stated he would fill the baloon with hydrogen gas, which will give it a lifting power of 2,980 pounds. He expects to start on his trip in the later part of May, provided the wind is in favorable direction. and he thinks that within twenty-four hours he will be able to land in Norfolk.

Herald New York
19 Mar 1907

Italy may not be allowed to compete in the International Cup balloon race from St. Louis after all. Word was received yesterday by Cortlandt Field Bishop, president of the Aero club of America, from the club's foreign representative that Prince Roland Bonaparte, head of the Aeronautic Federation, it is vigorously opposed to the acceptance of the Italian entries, because they were not received within the time limit prescribed, and that he will be able to carry the five votes of the Aero Club of France against receiving the entries.

International Aeronautic Federation Refuses to Admit Them for Cup Contest.
Foreign Competitive Airships to be Admitted Free of Duty-Soldiers to Police Field.
President Cortlandt Field Bishop of the Aero Club of America received word yesterday that the International Aeronautic Federation has decided adversely to the acceptance of the Italian entries for the International balloon race this year at St. Louis for the James Gordon Bennett Cup.
This means that Alfredo Vonwiller, one of the most expert aeronauts in Europe, and who was second in the first cup race last year, finishing a trifle over thirty miles behind Lieut. Frank P. Lahm of this country, will not be allowed to compete. Mr. Vonwiller had notified the Aero Club of America a short time ago that in case his entry was accepted he would bring over a new balloon of about 80,000 cubic feet capacity. Two entries had been sent by the Italian club, the second naming Major M. Morris and Dr. Helbig as aeronauts of the new balloon Roma.
The difficulty in accepting the Italian entries arose over the fact that they were not received by the committee in charge of the race here until nearly a month after the official closing of the entries, Feb. 1.
Frank S. Lahm, the father of Lieut Lahm, is now in Paris as the representative of the aero Club of America in completing preparations for the race, and he has been endeavoring to secure an extension of time from the International Aeronautic Federation so that the Italian entries might be officially accepted. His letter received yesterday by president Bishop stated that the subject had been discussed by the Federation Committee, but the decision rendered by the President, Prince Roland Bonaparte, was that the Italian Club had the same opportunities as other clubs to enter at the proper time, and failing to do this, no exception ought to be made.