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they in turn with the federation in charge of late entries.
Arrangements have been made at St. Louis for the start of this race at Forest Park. The grounds will be fenced in and grand stands erected. Pure coal gas of a very good quality will be pumped under pressure through a 24 inch main. It is probable that the United States Aeronautic Corps will assist in the handling of the balloons.
The Aero Club of St. Louis has been formed, with J. W. Kearney as secretary, and now has a membership of more than three hundred, with its own clubhouse. A club is being formed in Santa Fé by James W. Price, a member of the Aero Club of America, who has just returned from China.
Walter L. Wellman and Major Henry B. Hersey of the Wellman polar expedition are about to leave America for their quarters at Spitzbergen. A reception will be tendered them by the Aero Club of America at its rooms, 12 East Forty-second street, on next Tuesday evening.
Members of the Aero Club of America go to Pittsfield on Saturday, April 6, for club ascension.
At the Jamestown Exposition a special building is being erected to house aeronautical exhibits. Coal and hydrogen gas will be furnished free to all contestants. Cups and trophies will be offered at various times during the course of the exposition for aeronautic competitions. Several well known aeronautic inventors have promised to go from their respective cities to the exposition in their machines if possible. Applications for space in which to exhibit aeronautic material are to be addressed to Ernest LaRue Jones at 12 East Forty-second street, New York.
There will be a balloon race for distance on Saturday, May 4, starting from the Jamestown Exposition. Alan R. Hawley, director of the Aero Club of America: Alfred N. Chandler, president of the Aero Club of Philadelphia and Ernest LaRue Jones, secretary Jamestown Aeronautical Congress, already have entered in this race.

–Italy's Entry Received After the Specified Time—Ballooning Notes.
ermany, France, Spain, England, Italy
the United States are the countries which
e named balloons to start in the international race on October 19 of this year at St. Louis. The countries, with the exception of Germany and Italy, are to start three balloons each. There is some difficulty over the entry of the Italians. Their notice was not received prior to February 1, the time limit set, and the advisability of having them start has not yet been determined. The Germans have the greatest entry, six balloons. The entries are:
Deutscher Luftschuffer-Verbund—Three balloons; Berliner Verein für Luftschiffahrt, balloon Pommern, of 2,200 cubic metres, pilot, Freiherr von Hewald, and balloons Todewils, of 1,000 cubic metres, pilot Hauptmann Hildebrand; Niederrheinischer Verein für Luftschiffahrt, balloon Düsseldorf, of 2,200 cubic metres, pillot Hauptmann von Abercron.
Aero Club Real de Espana—Three balloons of 2,200 cubic metres each; pilots, Don Kindelan, Don Emilio Herrera and Don Esteban de Salamanca.
Aero Club of America—Three balloons of 2,200 cubic metres each; pilots, Lieut. Frank P. La[[illegible]] J. C. McCoy and Alan R. Hawley.
Aero Club de France—Three balloons, capacity not named; pilots, Alfred le Blanc, Réné Gasnier, third not yet named.
Aero Club of the United Kingdom—Three balloons; no particulars.
Societa Aeronautica Italiana–Two balloons; balloon Vittoria, of 2,200 cubic metres; pilot, Alfred Vonwiller, balloon Roma, of 2,200 cubic metres; pilot, Major M. Moris.
A letter has been received from E. Messner of Kewanee, Ill., a pilot of the Aero Club of Switzerland, inquiring as to the possibility of his entering this race as a representative of the Aero Club of Switzerland. He will take the matter up with the Swiss club and 