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Henry Blanchard Hersey, for many years connected with the United States Weather Bureau, and Dr. Walter M. Fowler, of Bluffton, Ind., sailed for Europe on the French Line steamship La Lorraine, to-day. They are to accompany Walter Wellman on the latter's attempt to reach the North Pole in a balloon, and will journey straight to Paris, where they will gather stores and scientific instruments to be used on the trip.
They will wait in Paris for Mr. Wellman, who will sail from New York for France next week. From Paris the three men will journey to Spitzbergen, Norway, whence the start will be made for the Pole about July 1. Both Mr. Hersey and Dr. Fowler are confident of the outcome of their attempt to find the North Pole. Asked if he felt that he would come back alive, Mr. Hersey replied:
"That is hardly worth theorizing about now. We shall certainly try to."