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Gill, Theodore. Notes on the [[strikethrough]]S[[/strikethrough]] ynonymy of the Torpedinidae or Narcobatidae.
[[underline]] Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus.[[/underline]], XVIII, No. 1050, ^[[April 23, 1896,]] [[strikethrough]]1895,[[/strikethrough]] pp. 161-165.

The object of this paper is to demonstrate the fact that several genera of the family Torpedinidae have for many years been known under names which are of later date than those under which they were first made known.

Gill, Theodore. The families of the Synentognathous [[strikethrough]]F[[/strikethrough]] ishes and their [[strikethrough]]N[[/strikethrough]] omenclature.
[[underlined]] Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus.[[/underlined]], XVIII, No. 1051, ^[[April 23, 1896,]] [[strikethrough]]1895,[[/strikethrough]] pp. 167-178. 

Gill, Theodore. On the application of the name [[underlined]] Teuthis [[/underlined]] to a genus of [[strikethrough]]F[[/strikethrough]] ishes.
[[underlined]] Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus.[[/underlined]], XVIII, No. 1052, ^[[April 23, 1896,]] [[strikethrough]]1895,[[/strikethrough]] pp. 179-189.

Gill, Theodore. Notes on the [[strikethrough]]N[[/strikethrough]] omenclature of [[underlined]] Scymnus [[/underlined]] or [[underlined]] Scy^[[m]]norhinus [[/underlined]], a genus of sharks.
[[underlined]] Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus.[[/underlined]], XVIII, No. 1053, ^[[Apr. 23, 1896,]] [[strikethrough]]1895,[[/strikethrough]] pp. 191-193.

The object of this paper ^[[is]] to show that they shark genus generally known under the name [[underlined]] Scymnus [[/underlined]] cannot retain that name, [[strikethrough]] also what should be its [[/strikethrough]] ^[[a]] substitute ^[[is suggested.]]

Gill, Theodore. Notes on the [[strikethrough]]G[[/strikethrough]] enus [[underlined]] Cephaleutherus [[/underlined]] of Rafinesque, and other rays with aberrant pectural fins ([[underlined]] Propterygia and Hieroptera [[/underlined]] ).
[[underline]] Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus.[[/underline]], XVIII, No. 1054, ^[[Apr. 23, 1896,]] [[strikethrough]]1895,[[/strikethrough]] pp. 195-198.