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Gill, Theodore. The [[strikethrough]]N[[/strikethrough]]omenclature [[nomenclature]] of the [[strikethrough]]F[[/strikethrough]]ishes [[fishes]] of the Characinoid 
genus Tetragonopeterus.
Proc.U.S.Nat.Mus.,XVIII, No. 1061, April 23, 1896 [[strikethrough]]1895[[/strikethrough]], pp.225-227.

Gill, Theodore. Note on Plectroplites and Hypoplectrodes, 
genera of Serranoid [[strikethrough]]F[[/strikethrough]]ishes [[fishes]].
Proc.U.S.Nat.Mus. XVIII, No.1082, June 24, 1896 [[strikethrough]]1895[[/strikethrough]] pp.567,568.

In this note attention is called to the use of the name 
Ctenolates instead of Plectroplites, and Gilbertia in 
place of Hypoplectrodes, by Boulenger, in a Catalogue of the Perciform [[strikethrough]]F[[/strikethrough]]ishes [[fishes]].

Evermann, Barton W. and Kendall, William C. Description of a 
new species of Pipefish (Siphostoma scovelli) from Corpus 
Christi, Texas.
Proc.U.S.Nat.Mus., XVIII, No. 1043, April 15, 1896, [[strikethrough]]1895[[/strikethrough]], pp.113-115.

In this paper a full description of a pipefish allied to 
S. affine of Gunther is given, with notes on specimens 
obtained in Florida waters.

Transcription Notes:
per the most current transcription instructions