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Quartermaster General's Office, 
Washington, D.C., July 24th 1866

Bvt Maj J.M. Brown
Chf Qr. Master
Bureau R. F. & A. L.

Your communication of the 16th inst is received and in reply you are respectfully informed that all your Form's 2 received at this office from May to October 1865 were transmitted to Col. Geo. W. Balloch C.S. Bureau of R.F. &. A.L. in accordance with your request of the 30th ult. on the 7th inst.
By order of the Q.M. Genl
Very Resepctfully
Your Obt. Servt
Benj. C Card
Col Q.M. Dept. & Bvt. Brig. Genl

Transcription Notes:
Benj. C Card per previous page