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[[M?]] 424

Quartermaster General's Office, 
Washington, D.C., July 27" 186

Bt Maj. J M Brown
C.Q.M. Bu R.F. and A.L.
Washtn D.C.

Bt Maj. Genl D.H. Rucker A.Q.M. Depot of Washington has been directed transfer to Lt J.M. Buckley A.A.Q.M. Bu R F and A.L Balto Md the articles of Stationery specified in his requisition and referred by you to this Office July 21/66 excepting the items of "Red Tape" and "Mucilage" which were not included in the Estimate of Q.M. Stores required for use of the Bureau of R.F and A.L.

By order Q M. Genl
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
Geo. D. Wise
Bt Brig Genl chg 3 Dist
For Bt Brig Genl S L Brown
In chg 5" Div

WDB 18. F. 153.