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Fri Dec. 10    
[[strikethrough]] April 17 [[/strikethrough]]

in the sense that it strives for intuitive realization of the oneness of the universe. It has no Pope, & submits to no earthly^, still less a heavenly, authority - 'Blind faith' is unknown to Buddhism; The Buddha himself is only a guide who has pointed a way - 'Work out your own salvation.'

Nirvana is the extinction of the not-self in the completion of the Self. Though the destruction of all that is individual in us, we enter into communion with the whole universe & become an integral part of the great purpose.

Perfection is then the sense of oneness with all that is, has ever been & can ever be.  The horizon of being is extended to the limits of reality.

Nirvana - The extinction of the fires of Greed, Anger, Illusion. It is the Not-Self stamped out, the Self attained. - The individual man attaining spiritual, self-consciousness, is one with the Universe.


U Nu    
Fri. Dec. 10
[[strikethrough]] April 18 [[/strikethrough]]

8 - PM - Young American Economist, Jery Alter for dinner. The Hacohens dropped in for an unexpected visit. Very pleasant. Louis' anecdotes about the Prime minister - his purity of character based on Buddhism - His meditation, seeking enlightenment - (took vow, 4 years ago, to be continent - with wife's consent, at age of 42) Although living in large, official mansion, he sleeps in a basha hut outside. Acts with faith in all matters - has given more radio time than his own to political opponents - has printed their manifestos - no censorship of press, etc.

Also, Mrs. Hacohen, Bracha, told me the gist of her 4 articles on her Tokyo impressions, Geisha house, [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] women's reaction to their first vote - 46 - to birth control - to awareness of their rights.