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Dec. 16  122
[[strikethrough]] May 1 [[/strikethrough]]


Followed by a modern dance of the prince & princess - who both sing & dance - called the Mintha (prince) & Minthami.

Ended with the 'Yohethay' marionettes by Pouna-pyan U Kyaw Aye.

They were charming & excellent in performance.

Was told that ordinarily the Yama Zat, goes on for weeks - (Nine day performances considered a condensed version) They start at 11 in the evening & end at dawn. People bring mats, cushions & food, & sleep & eat with their families during the performance. Just as they go to worship at their shrines & temples.

123   Friday, Dec. 17
[[strikethrough]] May 2 [[/strikethrough]]

This morning - 9 AM - Three Burmese artists came to call. 'U Myat Kyan' (whom Bo fit ya had introduced, brought me a gift, his watercolor, framed. I was charmed by his gesture. With him were M. Tin Aye & Harry Ang who acted as interpreter. They remained till 11.30 & in these two & one-half hours I covered impressionism, cubism, abstract art, expressionism and told them as well what the avant garde group are attempting in the U.S. & in France. Discussed Cézanne & his use of color to create distance - Picasso & his distortion based on negro sculpture & his wonderful sense of form in space - The seeming artlessness of Matisse & his being influenced by the Eastern art & Persian miniatures,