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Friday, Dec. 17  126
[[strikethrough]] May 5 [[/strikethrough]]

adding one molding to another. The owners, nice friendly young men were delighted. How much longer will you be staying? You have given us ideas. We know no one as experienced as you in these matters!

Driving back to [[?]] through the market, I thought of a canvas of bycicles with their passengers. [[image of pedicab]] A few particularly interesting with double passengers. back to back - one with young mother & child - both in red longis & faces whitened - like masks [[image]] - one with mother & two children in front - the back laden with forms of green & white vegetables - against a banion tree -

Last night's musical program - I forgot to note, started with shouts by the singers accompanied by the clacking of large wooden sticks which certainly had an element of surprise.

The old drummer, first whistled to give the signal to start, blew his nose openly with his hand, adjusted

Pwé  127  Fri Dec. 17
[[strikethrough]] May 6 [[/strikethrough]]

his immaculate pink silk cap thereafter & commenced playing the drums.

One of the singers - not a bad looking girl, could not have been more indifferent & stolid in front of her doorway than on the stage. She sang also as tho she had no part in the performance & kept time lacadaisically with two clacks of the cymbal bells - one beat for silence - then a clack of two pieces of wood like the castanet. This went on independently of the rythm of the Saung (harps) & the Pattala (xylophone)

Eve. Dinner with Philip Hauser at home. Economist, statistician - teaches History of Social Sciences - at University of Chicago. Wife, Zelda & two children, boy 16, girl 13, remained in America. He is medium height - powerful, husky, broad frame, protruding dark eyes - dark hair, glasses - good forehead, features fairly plain Bright, witty & engaging as well as wolfish & on the make. without finesse.