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Sat. Dec. 18          
[[strikethrough]] May 7 [[/strikethrough]]

Lovely morning in the garden - Gertrude Swerdlow, Thadu Barnes (wife of economist, & Eleanor Nelson (Louis' best economist came calling, stayed till noon. Small talk - local politics - servant problems - children, etc. 

After lunch, sketched for an hour - Then to Barr St. to pick up my easel. The Art Shop is in business. The carpenter who made it for me, beamingly thanked me & told me he had an order for a dozen easels from the shop! This is a revolution, no less. 

Drove from there to the Dutch legation to have tea with Beata Wellsing (WELSING) wife of the Ambassador. She is not quite 30 - married less than 3 yrs. with a baby girl, Anna, of 10 months of age - platinum-blonde with blue eyes. I doubt whether she will have her mother's beautiful face. I find her most sympathetic & enjoyed my visit. Beata does good block print textile designs as well as clever 


Sat. Dec. 18
[[strikethrough]] May 8 [[strikethrough]] 

& sensitive paper or design drawings made by using dry leaves placed on paper - then spraying over all with one color - say black or red. When this color has dried - the leaves are removed to leave their printed outline. Result is surprising. 

(Incidentally, the background color has a sprayed on effect by rubbing color with a brush over a sieve onto the paper.) 

Quiet eve. at home, sketching again & retiring by 11 o'clock. Louis has gotten a letter from producer Charles Lederer, to the effect that he wishes to dramatize with Huxly - a new version of Brave New World with a heroine instead of hero as protagonist. I did not know quite how to advise Louis, being tired after a day of small talk. 

Must write home tomorrow - Last letter to Emily - last Tuesday.