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Street Markets
Thurs. Jan. 6    
[[strikethrough]] June 18 [[/strikethrough]]

reed like thin women in their skin tight longees, with Thanaka whitened faces, flowers in their hair with their inevitable long cigars - old & young, the fat, middle aged ones, superbly unrestrained, walking beautifully - their flesh solid & firm. Pongees in their brilliant orange robes, with Venetian red umbrellas - against the tangerine oranges in the markets - the brilliantly colored materials spread out on the sidewalks, the smells, refuse, flies, noise & clutter & bustle of the life - the dirty rags hung on string, wire or tacked to poles or trees - to shield the sun's rays & create their little booths on the streets - the buses - overcrowed, 2 rows along the sides - one along the middle - passengers riding backwards - looking like prisoners in trucks - Above all this fascinating turmoil & dirt & squalor - the serene,


Thursday. Jan 6
[[strikethrough]] June 19 [[/strikethrough]]

untouchable 'Swedagons' - the gentle, lovely sky - the beautifully shaped trees, the passive, enduring oxen in the streets, and [[strikethrough]] the[[/strikethrough]] enduring man, woman & child of nature

Eve - dinner with the Barnes' Thadee & Don - of Denver.

'Maugham on Art'  Friday. Jan 7.

Stayed in bed till 1 - Reading W. Somerset Maugham's "A Writer's Notebook - Although I have read more than half his works - (novels) many of his short stories as well as 'The Summing Up' I find the last named & his notebook most noteworthy. He is truly sympathetic. I like the way he thinks & feels - His chapter dated 1917 on Russian literature amazingly perceptive. Interesting to read his comparison of El Greco & Dostoevsky. On Art. 'Some have ascribed to art