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Thursday, Jan. 13  
[[/strikethrough]] July 6 [[/strikethrough]]

Program showed 1 - Maid of Honour propitiates the Guardian spirits of the marionettes. 2) Dance of the Monkey 3) Dance of the Ogre 4) The Alchemist - who achieves levitation 5) Dance of the Horse 6) The King grants an audience & orders [[/strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] a command performance. 7) Flag & fire - skipping & barrel dance by the Prince - remarkable - the comedians & their gestures - 8) The Prince & the Princess 9) The banishment of the Prince & Princess from the Kingdom.

It would seem that the performers I have seen at the Pwe's imitate the puppets - who are immeasurably superior.

Friday, January 14'
AM - Lucy to pose.
Aft - worked on portrait - Dorothy & children
5 PM - America-Burma Institute Mr. Cassidy, director. Met Karl Kup representing Steuben Glass.


Friday. Jan. 14
[[/strikethrough]] July 7 [[/strikethrough]]

& curator of prints & the Spencer Collection at New York Public Library, who spoke on 'Artists role in American Life' Kup is also instructor (book illustration) at Pratt Inst. B'kln - spoke on function of commercial artist - designing furniture, glass, textiles, etc - to beautify our way of life. Also of contribution of Matisse, Picasso, etc. Left a message to artists here, to make prints for wide public distribution. Is fairly tall, [[/strikethrough]] med [[/strikethrough]] slender, finely chiseled features, witty, thin-blooded & a homo, I'm sure. Has that light, quick quality of mind. Has charm in his way, too. Said, when we met - 'You must have been laughing up your sleeve at what I said' His talk was one sided, no doubt, talking about commercial art - as though it represented all the artists of America - disregarding completely the Fine Arts.

Evening - John Osborn, manager of Time Magazine in Hong Kong, feature writer, came for cocktails & discussion with Louis on economic background of Burma. Interesting man. Tall, greyish, good, dark eyes -