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Wed. Jan. 19 -  
[[strikethrough]] July 28 [[/strikethrough]]

The artist has by his nature the detachment & freedom which the mystic seeks in the repression of desire. (The artist, like the mystic who seeks to attain God, is detached in spirit from the world?)

I remember, meanwhile, writing on a drawing in Paris when I was 21 'I turn my back to the world to hear more clearly the things my soul whispers to me' - this on a drawing of the back of a female nude

- Happiness can only be defined as a continued state of pleasure.

Thursday, Jan. 20th

Louis had 20 important men to lunch, so Dorothy & I went to lunch at Strand. Dr. Bosch, Antonic & Alter joined us.

Looked at stores for Emily's necklace & earings - took some on appraisal.

Came home 3.30 & worked on drawing of the Hacohens - finished it.

Tamara Carmen & her husband


Thursday, Jan. 20 
[[strikethrough]] July 29 [[/strikethrough]]

came in for a drink & to bring me two addresses in Rome. Her boat to Penang was held up till tomorrow. She spoke of her marriage (in French, so Carman could not understand) as a disaster - also of his cruelty - with tears in her eyes. She is helpless & dependent on him, as well as being weak & ill. I am so deeply sorry for her, somehow.

Went to dinner at 7.30 - as guests of Hauser. Irving & Gertrude Swerdlow, the Banks', Louis, Dorothy & I. We all had several drinks & were high - the dinner a treat - steaks (They must have been ordered in honor of Tito.) Baked Alaska for desert - all served beautifully.

Home by 10.30 to read 'Burmese Days' by George Orwell which I started this morning.

Learned how to spell Longyi - use of lacquer wear - chewing of betel which stains the teeth blood red. The way Burmese grow fat -