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Fri. Jan. 28
U Nu
[[strikethrough]] August 27 [[/strikethrough]]

in his hands? What in my opinion did they express? I said they were 'sensitive, & flexible as his mind. 'I had quite a definite impression of you which surprised my brother', I told him to which, he smiled & answered- 'I hope it wasn't naughty'. Why sitting for the photos, U Nu had a few minutes when he seemed lost in thought or meditation & I was for a moment hesitant to disturb or address him. At this moment I sensed his capacity for withdrawal to meditate & finally said, while asking him to change his pose - 'please excuse my interrupting your meditation.'

U Htin Gyl also took a photograph of the Prime Minister with me. I was very pleased because I wanted it by did not think of suggesting it.

At 10.30 - drove to the Strand & picked up Max Lerner. We had a nice talk on painting.


Max Lerner   
Friday, Jan 28
[[strikethrough]] August 28 [[/strikethrough]]

He knows Chagall very well. Says Chagall considers himself as superior to Picasso & his answer to Chagall was, "You know Marc, 'Picasso ken oich' which Chagall quotes him on. - Lerner lives during the summer at Southampton which is close to Easthampton, the avant garde group's colony, so that he is well acquainted with De Kooning, Pollock & the others. He likes particularly the Belgian painter, Delvaux, if you please. I was pleasantly surprised to hear his opinions. How deeply it goes - or whether he has a quick ear & eye is another story, of course.

I gave him our home address & telephone & asked him to call them up. I hope he will do so - & not disappoint me - There was no personal conversation