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Friday, Jan. 28  Ex Brigadier Divers  242
[[strikethrough]] August 29 [[/strikethrough]]

between us. I take it his ego was not too flattered by my reaction to him, for which I can't blame him. I do want to have his friendship, however, & would like to meet his family when I get back.

4 o'clock. Beata Welsing to pose. She had less than an hour - light was poor & she talked too much - no result at all. Bad -

Eve - Brigadier & Mrs. Divers. At first glance, a mild, gentle kindly & portly Englishman (Kent) short, blue eyed, losing his hair, some evident gold teeth - in his sixties. Surprising, to hear the interesting story of his career & rise in the army from private through every station till he was made Brigadier. He worked with General Grunther (sho should have replaced Eisenhower) & I liked hearing about Grunther. He was a

A. N. Whitehead on Art.  243
[[strikethrough]] August 30 [[/strikethrough]]

school master, early in his career - after West Point & then entered the army. He is brilliant - represents our country in International chess as well as Bridge. Tremendously capable.

Saturday Jan 29.
Stayed in bed all day, reading. Began & finished 'Goodbye to Berlin' Christoper Isherwood. Found it sensitive & good - not exceptional.

Made one good ink drawing & overworked another. Sheer tenacity kept me at one for 3 hrs. knowing I could do nothing with it. Retired early. To read A.N. Whitehead's Adventures of Ideas.

'Art exhibits for consciousness a finite fragment of human effort achieving its own perfection within its own limits. The work of art is a fragment of nature with the mark on it of a finite creative