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On Buddhism
Monday, Feb. 14    
[[strikethrough]] October 6 [[/strikethrough]]

22 Liberation is the cause of the Knowledge relating to the extinction of Delusiveness (Asava)

The attainment of this loftiest intellectual wisdom is called the attainment of 'Nibban'.

Buddha taught the necessity of knowing the immutability & the universality of the Natural Law - known as "Niyama Dhamma, by which all religious prejudices & imaginations can be dissolved.

The hypothesis of God is wholly inconsistent with the Law of Niyama. There is no divine author. A man is created out of his own needs. Our action is our property, our inheritance, our refuge, our race & the matrix which bears us.

Each man can gain salvation for himself only by his diligence. Man is his own creator, the architect of his own destiny. The real road (Magga) lies along self help & self reliance.


Monday Feb. 14
[[strikethrough]] October 7 [[/strikethrough]]

Evening - Andre Nicoletti dropped in to go to the cinema. We had a little time - so I started a portrait drawing of him at 8.45 It went so well, I had to finish it (by 10.20) Too late for the movies - went for a drive to see the Italian boat in the harbor. The drawing is good & he was delighted with it. "How were you able to see all this in me, Anna"?

Tuesday, Feb. 15
AM- Drawing - At 11 to U Win to arrange for trip up country to Pagan. - Louis had to change my appointment with the Prime Minister - who wanted to have a sitting on the 24th. Will have to do it when I get back after the 25th. -

Prepared canvas for Mary Caudle's portrait at carpenter - 'Ahsung'. Excellent craftsman, he.

Worked all aft - 2.30 to 6 - U Nu.