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unwell- 5 P.M 
Saturday, 19th February    
[[strikethrough]] October 18 [[/strikethrough]]
A.M. Rested in bed (was up at 5.30 AM) reading. At 10.30 Mrs. Gor Booth came by with photos for portrai -

12.30 Mary Caudle to lunch & pose. good session from 2.15-4.15-
Carpenter for frames & restretching.
Eve- after 8 - drove to Inya garden for dinner with Andre Nicoletti. His chargé d'Affaires, Mr. Dante Polecchi joined us & we spent a pleasant evening dancing. Since Andre was having a slight operation tomw' mor. Polecchi drove me home

Sunday, Feb 20'
After a sleepless night stayed in bed fairly late.
Sitting with Mary Caudle 12.15-4.15 Think I can finish it in two more sittings - (5) in all
Too tired to attend last session of Asia Conf. for Cultural Freedom - will forgo the Pwe at the Burmese Translation Soc & spend a quiet eve. at home - with Mr. da Costa to dinner.


Whitehead - Adventures in Ideas
Sunday, Feb. 20
[[strikethrough]] October 19 [[/strikethrough]]

Letter home.

In Whiteheads Adventure of Ideas:-

"We reduce the past to a perspective, 
+ yet retain it as the basis of our present
moment of realization. We are different from it and yet we retain our individual
identity with it. This is the mystery of personal identity, the mystery of the
immanence of the past in the present, the mystery of transience. All our science, all our explanations require concepts originating in this experience of derivation.

'Each age deposits its message as to the secret character of the nature of things

Mandalay. U Seim Nyunt
Monday - Feb. 21-

Left on 10 A.M. plane for Mandalay with Dorothy & U Hla Tin. Irving & Babs Licht & Herbert Passen were also on it. Strange again, the feeling of movement & flight after