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Saturday March 5th-   
May Cash Account
Date  Received  Paid

Stayed home all day & worked on portrait of U Nu

In Eve- Bob Nathan & Phil Hauser to dinner with the Barnes'. Read the first article on Rangoon by Max Lerner - "Rangoon Diary" - very weak & disappointing: I'd say he is losing his grip - too superficial - All I liked was his mention of Louis - although he might have credited him more seriously than he did.
We also listened to recordings called 'The Investigator' - a bitter satire on McCarthy made in Canada - Very good. Excellent take off on McCarthy.

During the evening the Hacohens dropped in with gifts from China. A painted scroll (on silk) of a woman's figure for me- & a similar subject embroidered on silk for Louis & Dorothy.- Both lovely.
They decided to come with us to the "Pegasus Ball" 1955 at the


U Nu-
Sunday March 6-      
May Cash Account

Turf Club. Dancing indoors - outdoor dining & the show, which was arranged by [[?]] Strauss. The sets & lighting were surprisingly good

Sunday March 6th

AM- Worked a few hours on U Nu. Had Bob Nathan  to lunch here. Louis & Bob had had a special meeting with U Nu in the morning with the Cabinet members present.
At 3 in the afternoon - I had my second sitting with him. Louis + Bob  came along for another meeting with U Nu during it - acting as my bearers
& carrying in the portrait & my 
materials for me. They discussed their program with great informality & one could judge by U Nu 's reaction that they have his complete confidence &