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Rangoon Rows of Black crows Scavengers in the scented sunlight Slow, Slow the langourous days Flowers, the Banyan Trees, Golden, walking Buddhas in saffron robes, The rice begging bowls Color, color, The golden Shroedagon The BoƩ, [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] the dancing girls Slender enchantresses against the ancient stringed instruments & cymbals. Barking of dogs running in the velvety darkness [[strikethrough]] of starry nights [[/strikethrough]] The sound of the gong shattering the heavy silence of the night 340 Rangoon. U Nu (continued.) Sunday - May 6th, U Nu U Nu called his secretary in to look at the portrait, while looking at it in a wondering fashion. You know, he said, this has been a great education for me, to see how you work and approach your subject. Tell me, what do you see in my face - I don't know, myself - what it reveals." "Well, Mr. Prime Minister, I answered, I don't know whether I will succeed or not - but I have sought, in my interpretation of your character, to convey the qualities of a man of action plus those of a man given to deep reflection and meditation. This is why I sought an informal, relaxed and characteristic pose and mood, rather than the more formalistic approach. I only hope that I will be able to succeed in creating what I have felt. He smiled. "and my hands," he said, "I remember you saying that they are as expressive of character as the face." "I [[strikethrough]] only [[/strikethrough]] hope my hands