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Delhi  21st.

all abstracted in varying degrees, is more impressive at first sight than at second glance, I found it less serious in approach on further study. The work at the exhibit, on the whole, was a pleasant surprise. The level of competition very high - particularly in  the old Indian style of ptg - traditional subjects, etc. Also, the [[strikethrough]] soc [[/strikethrough]] so called impressionistic- Academy approach was good, of its kind. Of the abstraction the general tone & idea was on the sweet side - more in the style of our talented second-rate female painters at home. Several things reminded me in color & treatment of Rufino Tamayo. I think that our avant-garde group would shock them, for all their attempt at modernism. My approach, perhaps, would be more sympathetic - using the figure & subject matter.

After 7 - back to the hotel for an appointment with a bag manufacturer, who has a display in the hotel.


Delhi   March 21st Mon.

It seems to me, offhand, that if they have not as yet been exploited, we could do something in New York with their velvet & brocade bags, hand embroidered with genuine gold bullion thread. I may advise them to send a dozen samples to Irving with prices, duty - photographs of the line, etc. They can deliver by the gross. In any case, I ordered a pair of embroidered velvet slippers for 30 rupees (approx. 4.25) which Dorothy says sell for 85.00 in New York. Also bought two shawls (stoles) a black-gold silk (12.00) & a red wool embroidered for (8.50) The embroidery is beautiful & I like having them.

At dinner Derkjan Dyk asked me to spend the evening with him: Ambitious me, I suggested a tonga ride through the city & Old Delhi, which I wanted to see by night - & something that I would not have gone out & done alone. We drove about for nearly three hours. To see the market places, & whole families lying in the dirt or on the stone pavements was a heartbreaking