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AKO, Israel.
April 3
Sun. [[strikethrough]] 31 March [[/strikethrough]]  

green waters of the bay.

In the evening, I visited with Mr & Mrs John Furman (of the Haifa Freight Co.) friends of Bob Nathan.

Monday, April 1 - 

Took bus tour from 8 AM to 7 P.M. Fabulous tour to Upper Galilee. Drove through Valley of Zevulon Passed Ako, crossed mountains of Upper Galilee, passed Meron. Visited ancient, magnificent town of Safad, old Kabbalist center of learning where lived & wrote, Joseph Caro & Rabbi Ash Kinazi. The old volumes in the Synagogue were precious to see. Also the Old Jews in the street preparing for Pesach - Safad is now also one of the artists' towns like Montparnasse. Toured the old city & the synagogues. Then descended the road to Rosh Pina & then north to visit the Huleh drainage project. Lunched at Kibbutz Ayelet Hashakar. Then south to Sea of Galilee passed Tabgha & 


Safad Capernaum Tiberias
Monday April 4 

visited Capernaum (where I saw the magnificent remains of the ancient synagogue from Kirman period. In the garden were preserved the old tremendous stone utensils for grinding wheat, grape wine, etc. The carvings on the stones were beautiful & greatly varied. Here & there the four pointed star of David & the Menorah. The old garden setting, the stone [[strikethrough]] rap [[/strikethrough]] rampart [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] or walls near the sea, the deep fragrance, all added to an overwhelmingly peaceful atmosphere. Then to Tiberias (TIBERIAS) to visit the tomb of Maimonides & traveled through Emek to Haifa on way back.

In evening, Mr & Mrs. James Sassener called & took me for a sight seeing drive at night thru the mountains.

Safed, its wonderful, old crooked winding streets, the synagogues, its old beggars, the holy innocence of some of the old men, above all, the rich, fragrant air, the mountains & valleys in the distance - makes