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April 5

and then visited Rifka & Lionel Watson, friends of the Hacohens. He is a Christian engineer, working here for many years, married to Rifka, sister of Mollie Gladstone. Met them, another sister & husband Mr & Mrs Herbst & Max Helvarg, U.S.A. - for Israel - 215 Fourth Avenue,

Tel Aviv

Wednesday, April 6.

9 AM - Drive back to Tel Aviv. Cold & rainy, still the Arabian Jews working in the fields were in bare feet & cotton dresses, working the fields. The women wear pantaloons with a cotton dress reaching to middle of calves, head wrapped with different kinds of drapery - all I've seen poor & dirty. Even in the Arab villages, mostly fair, light children - going back to time of the Crusaders when they intermarried during 'the invasions.

At six, went to the Kibbutz "Hulda" for Seder which Haskin arranged for me. (Had to pay 13 lbs. for the taxi which I shared with Leon Grizer of the Retail Dry Goods Association on W. 55 Street.


Kibbutz Hulda
Tel Aviv    
April 6.

The Kibbutz was started in 1905, on another site & suffered many hardships. 25 years ago, it was established near Rehovot and is now a prosperous, thriving community, with 320 families, a fine stone dining hall, a handsome center, well constructed, used for festival dinners, concerts, theater, etc.

Modern design large hall painted in cobalt blue, brown wood paneling & stage & warm brown drapes on windows. Beautiful, spacious stage, curtained in grey & blue velvet. Extremely well done. This community devotes itself completely to agriculture. Apples, oranges, peanuts, mainly. The people all had fine faces, the children & youth, lusty & strong. What impressed one most was the reverent approach to the thought of the Seder and to culture, in general, as expressed in their program of music & reading from their program.

The young musicians were seated on the platform at tables - An accordionist, a violinist and 15 flutes. They played an ambitious Mozart piece. The chorus of voices, was