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Monday- April 18'  Rome   

AM - Amer. Express to pick up letter from Emily - It appears I missed her letter in Istanbul. Must inquire at the Flora for mail. Checked my ticket at P.A.A. and then visited Israeli Embassy, to see Mr. Sasson, the Minister. Had a 45 minute visit & café with him. He is an old friend of the Hacohens & of David's sister Rosa Ginosar, whose husband was the first Israeli Minister to Rome. (She, herself is a practicing lawyer & considered brilliant) Mr Sasson invited me to the Reception, April 27 in honor of Independence Day and is coming tomorrow at 11.30 AM - to drive me about & show me the city (Very nice, indeed.)

Also, have arranged to leave for a week's tour to Florence & Venice via Assisi, Perugia, Arezzo - From Florence to Venice, via Ravenna or Bologna, & return to Rome by train arriving on the 27th in time for the Reception. I can plan, then to stay in Rome & rest on the 28 & 9th & leave for a 3 day tour to Naples - Pompei - Amalfi - Sorrento & Capri the 30-1' & 2nd. Rest for the day in Rome


Monday 18th Rome    

on the 3rd & leave on the 4th.

After lunch - at 3.30 Assen Perkoo, Bulgarian sculptor & friend of Tamara Carman in Rangoon, called for me to take me about to see the art galleries. His appearance is so unusual, people look at him in the streets. Wears an old gold ring (he says belonged to a king a thousand years ago, whose name also was Assen). His mother was Egyptian (from her, he says, he derives his sensibility & love for art) from his Bulgarian father, his strength. He has a beautiful studio together with his brother (a former doctor of medicine - who gave up his career two years ago to paint - devoting himself completely to art. He really does fine watercolors, very lyric landscapes of sea, rocks & sky - & has already exhibited his work). The studio was cold (as everywhere) Lovely old antique sculptures, hangings, works of art - a painting of himself & his boy by Chirico, etc. Also has another sculptor working for him - helping on commercial assignments. Seems to be a fine family & there must be money -