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aeronauts in particular, was the Aeronautic Concourse. Two hundred thousand dollars had been set aside for aeronautic events. A grand prize of one hundred thousand dollars was to be given for any type of aircraft that could successfully fly over an 'L' shaped course on three separate occasions at an average speed of 19 miles per hour. That was all right and good, but what interested me was that three prizes of $5,000 each were to be given for spherical balloon events! One was for the greatest altitude, another for the longest distance travelled and the third for the longest time in the air. I was sure that I could win one of the three.
     It was what many people, including my father, thought was "throwing discretion to the wind" that I made my decisions. I would go to St. Louis. I would compete for one of those &5,000 prizes. I'd get that farm and in a hurry. I packed up a brand new balloon, a tent, a cot, bedding, rubber boots, and my clothing and headed for the city of my dreams, St. Louis! But this time I was as A. Roy KNABENSHUE. I was through with pseudonyms. 
     I was off for the big adventure. In March, 1904, I arrived in St. Louis.   

Transcription Notes:
Not sure about the punctuations.