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our need was greatest, it failed us after giving several performances showing how good and reliable it could be.  Again I asked Baldwin if he would give me a chance to overhaul it but he refused emphatically.
Our contract had been satisfactorily terminated, having made all flights contracted for.  Baldwin made an effort to have it extended but the fair management would not agree to his terms as there were other aeronauts on the grounds to furnish the public with aeronautic interest.  We shipped the outfit to Los Angeles and made arrangements to follow.
Before leaving St. Louis, we witnessed exhibitions or trials by the other three contestants. I had terminated my contract with the Tomlinson Captive Balloon Company and wished to try a novel experiment. I had in my collection of clippings an account of an ascensions of a balloon in Germany during which wireless messages were received. I made arrangements with the DeForest wireless Company to furnish an operator and equipment.  I then strung two wires from the valve to the car, and lowered a loop of wire of equal length below the car with the instrument placed midway between.  When all was ready, a reporter, Mr. Foreman the operator from the wireless company, and my brother Paul made the ascent. They reached an altitude of two and one quarter miles and during the entire trip messages were received perfectly.  This was the second time in the history of the world and the first time in the United States that messages was received in a balloon in free air above the ground.