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the Attorney General of the state and we drafted the terms of the contract.  I was highly elated and I walked out of the capitol on air.
  I met my partner, Charlie, at the hotel.  He was looking very sad. The park management was not willing to pay us even $1,000 per week. At the moment he felt downhearted and no doubt would have sold out then for one half the amount of his investment. 
  When i displayed my contract he was at first stunned, and then realizing what it meant, he made a wild grab for me and danced with joy.  We hurried to Detroit and saw the state fair officials who became interested at once and we succeeded in making a similar contract the fair would pay an additional $750.00. 
  Elated and like conquering hero's we went to Trenton. New Jersey as this would be the next fair following Detroit. Here we met disappointment. They had never heard of us and frankly doubted or statements. Even after we had shown them the photographs they were unconvinced and the manager, Mr. Taylor, said he believed our attraction would not add ten cents to their gate receipts. Nothing we could say would shake their skepticism. As we left New Jersey on our way to New York, we felt our reception had been as cold as the cakes of ice Washington found near the same location. 


  Leo Stevens had a factory in New York and also a hangar at Manhattan Beach, Long Island. He owned an airship similar to the Baldwin airship and it was inflated and ready for flight