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Aero Club the show business was beneath their standards. Later M.Post became famous by making long distance balloon flights. He personally did the same as I by appearing in vaudeville. It is curious how ideas change with time and circumstances.

I returned to Toledo at the close of the engagement much wiser in some respects than before going to New York.


I wanted to buy an automobile and remembering the visit of Henry Ford, I decided to see him personally, as he had made the statement to me that he would give me a car which I was to carry around the country wherever I gave exhibitions. I found after I arrived at the Ford factory that Mr. Ford was out of the city and I was escorted into the office of Mr. Cousins. He was very pleasant and explained that they were behind their schedule, and could not sell me a car without giving me one that was intended for another party. I explained to Mr. Cousins that Mr. Ford had promised me a car and I had called to get delivery. After some argument I was able to drive the car away after paying Mr. Cousins $675.00. I had never driven a car before, but was able to drive down Woodward Ave. to the boat landing and there found the steamer for Toledo ready to leave. This was to be the last trip of the season. If I had missed the boat, I would have had to ship the car by freight as the roads to Toledo were knee deep in mud. On arrival at Toledo, I created a sensation with the new car. It was a model N and the engine number was 264. This little car gave me many miles of excellent service.

As the two balloons we used the past season were in bad condition I decided the best possible insurance would be to