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     During this flight Arthur Pillsbury became inoculated with the balloon germ.  I sold him a small silk balloon with which he later circled Golden Gate and the entire water front of the city.  He had tied the balloon rope to a tugboat but after he had secured the photographs he wanted a sudden gust of wind caused the rope to break and he had a pleasant flight to San Jose where he made a landing without trouble.

     After the completion of the contract at San Mateo I stored this outfit and returned east to make another canvass of the fairs.  I found to my amusement that they had all agreed they must have aeroplane exhibitions as by then many stories [[strikethrough]]accounts[[/strikethrough]] had been printed about the new kind of flying machine but few persons had ever seen one.
     I called on the Wright Brothers at Dayton but they refused to have anything to do with the exhibition business.  They explained that the only machine in existence was the one they were pledged to deliver to the government.  It was impossible for them to build another at the time and nothing could be done about exhibition flights except to wait until after they had demonstrated at Ft. Myer.  But these fairs had to have some special feature and as the airship had been a successful attraction for the past four years I believed that if they could not secure flying machines perhaps they would contract for my airship at the last moment.
     When the Wrights had shipped their aeroplane to Washington I made another visit to see them.  I hoped to contact fair managers later.

While in Washington I met Lincoln Beachey again.  He was there