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Although the Museum is feeling the effects of the economy program now being levied against nondefense agencies I am, however, hopeful that we might obtain some money for construction of exhibits. I would like to ask your cooperation in supplying data from which we could contract to have a model of one of your airships constructed. The scale would be about 1:50. Which airship do you consider most representative of your many accomplishments--was it the one in which you circled over New York City in 1905 or one of the later types which you developed at Pasadena and Chicago? We can think of modeling the most prominent one at this time and perhaps at some later date take up the one of associated interest. As soon as you have designated the airship which you prefer represented, I will get together such photographs as I may have and ask you for dimensions of parts and suggestions regarding construction.

Although we display the propeller which you made for us while you were living in Colonial Village, and have a series of photographs on our walls illustrating your airships the model will add to the display in an impressive manner. The model will be placed with two other airship models now exhibited--a Navel C-3 and a Goodyear Zeppelin. As opportunity permits I hope to add models illustrating airships made by Giffard, Tissandier, Santos-Dumont, Baldwin and others but the first of this series will illustrate the Knabenshue type which you designate. I have located an excellent modelmaker in Connecticut who I believe will do a good job on this airship model.

I sincerely trust that you are enjoying good health and that Jane is also well. I saw Dr. Carruthers not long ago; he told me he had seen you recently and that you were getting material together for your memoirs. I was very glad to hear that because certainly no other person among the living pioneers could tell a story more fascinating than the one that you could put down on paper. Dr. Carruthers stated that you were get the use of a dictaphone with which you could dictate your story. He stated that you would find this much easier than writing it in longhand or telling it to a stenographer. I told him that I would be greatly interested in seeing your story in written form and he asked if I could arrange to have use of a dictaphone. We have a mechanical dictaphone here but frankly it is not toosatisfactory; the reproduction is by no means as distinct as with the electronic type which I prefer. It would be better if you could arrange with the local dictaphone office for the loan of an