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A light application of fixative sprayed on the finished sheet will prevent smudging, but this is seldom necessary if the pigments have been sufficiently rubbed into the surface of the paper.

Care should be exercised that pleasing combinations of color are chosen, and that proper colors are used where NPS land, SP land, existing, proposed, etc., are being indicated.


A Base Plan is prepared for reproduction in the form of tracings. which in turn serve as the basic drawings used in delineating the Road System Plan, Trail System Plan, General Development Plan, or any other special subject plan requiring the portrayal of existing basic data.

Reproductions of the Base Plan should in every case be made by the best available process on a durable grade of linen tracing cloth.

The number of reproduced tracings required will depend upon the extent of the area, the scope of the development proposed, and the completeness of the Master Plan edition.

The Base Plan itself is not included as a part of the Master Plan. The original drawing is filed for permanent record and for later use in reproducing such additional tracings as may be needed in the preparation of revised Master Plan editions.

The Base Plan should show such constant basic data and existing natural and cultural elements as are common to the requirements of the several general development drawings that will be delineated on the reproduced tracings. The completeness of the data shown and, to a certain extent the method of delineation used, will necessarily depend upon the size and complexity of the are, and the scale of the drawing. Ideally the Base Plan would show all existing conditions, but in most instances it will be necessary, for legibility, to eliminate the less important elements.