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You can judge for yourself what I am up against. I hope I can keep this Jeep going successfully until such time as we may be able to get some kind of suitable equipment for use in this country. There is no doubt but that a Grumman Amphibian with twin engines would be the ideal piece of equipment for use both here and at Yellowstone because of the available airports and lakes at both places and the ability of this equipment to operate at high altitudes and in light air. There is no end to the many uses to which such equipment could be used successfully. For instance -- ch artin g channels in the lake, rescue work in case of urgent calls (for which the giro would be absolutely useless), checking grazing areas, and many other practical uses because of its ability to operate from water as well as land. In forest fire patrol work it would also be very useful as its cruising range would permit large areas to be scouted each trip because of its ability to cover territory rapidly, but still permit an observer to find and properly locate any small fires that might be starting. I sure h ope you will be able to talk the Army out of one of these ships in the near future and talk the Park Service into trying it out so we can really show them some worth while results. From all I hear I imagine it could be arranged if the proper people are contacted. 

One of my parachutes is over due for re-packing and I am trying to get a travel order to take it to L.A. and see if I can make arrangements to have it repacked and to have it sent in in the future. I am enclosing copies of some memorandums that I sent to Region 3 for your information. 

[[left-margin]] January [[/left-margin]]

I still haven't received any checks for the time I have been working out here and no check for my expense and per diem. Expenses out here are even higher than in Washington and I am having to borrow money again. No one here seems to know anything about my checks as I am working directly under Region 3 and not out of this office. I hope they get things straightened out, as it is not very pleasant to have to borrow money all the time and wonder about ones checks. It seems to me that some arrangements should have been definitely completed before I was sent out here. However, I have been fortunate enough, so far, so that we haven't had to go hungry.

As to the hanger, I have heard no further word about it and seem unable to get any information as to when or where it is to be built. I certainly hope we get one so that people will not be able to crawl all over the ship and leave switches on, etc. and also to give me a decent place to work where I will be able to have my supplies and spare parts available without having to drive three or four miles to get them.

Well, I guess this is about as much as I should bother you with at this time, so I will close.

Remember me to everyone there in the office, and we all wish to be remembered to Mrs. Knabenshue. We look forward to a visit from you both in the not too distant future. 

Best regards,

[[right-margin]] Reg III advised by Reg I memo at 6/11 regarding his pay and leave status. [[?]] 6/24 [[/right-margin]]