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United States
Department of the Interior
National Park Service

Address Only
The Director, National Park Service
July 17, 1941

Memorandum for Mr. Knabenshue:
During my absence I would like you to make a study of the Master Plan file data as a preliminary approach to an up-to-date inventory and possible file and index rearrangement after my return.

This study will require checking your sheets for the seventeenth period program with Mr. Van Dyke's office to make sure you have complete and most recent data. You should try to determine from him if any further changes in camp allocations for work in State and local parks are likely to occur in the near future, and what and where these possibilities are insofar as possible.

What we are driving at is to have a list of active "mother areas" (and corresponding side-areas if practicable) for each State by Regions. Along with that we should have a rough idea of the quantity of plan sheets for each active area (including the most up-to-date and next to up-to-date general development and layout plans). The list would be prepared in the following manner:

Region: I | Mother Areas | Quantity of Sheets | Corresponding Side Areas | Quantity of Sheets

State: Florida | Myakka River S.P. | 8 | Myakka River S.F. |   |
   | Etc. | ... | ... | 
   | " | " | " | "
A list of all active areas and sheets by States and Regions would be prepared in this way. I believe you have a list showing side areas submitted to you in April. The above procedure will enable us to decide on the best distribution and indexing - especially in the event there is an inter-office move.

It is expected that, along with other routine work, you will keep up your record on location and reference numbering of all incoming W.P.A. projects, and in cases where some occur unreasonably close to previous job you will so inform Mr. Buff.

If any special questions come up in my absence you should look to Mr. Huppuch for guidance. What I don't want to happen are any changes in the filing system or revisions in current work policy until I have an opportunity to study and pass on them. Should questions arise beyond the matters discussed before I leave I will of course, be glad to answer them,
W.C. Frost