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Roland H. Wiley               
District Attorney 

V. Gray Gubler




Mr. Roy Knabenshue
National Park Service
South Interior Building
Washington, D.C. 

Re: State of Nevada vs. Ray Yarter

Dear Sir: 

On or about August 6, 1941, Mr. H. Clay MacBrair, an employee of the National Park Service, then on duty in Boulder City, Nevada, filed a complaint with the Ranger's office at Boulder City to the effect that the above named defendant had committed a lewd and lascivious act upon and with the body of Gaye MacBrair, his daughter, aged eight and one-half years. A Complaint was filed charging the defendant with a felony under our Nevada Statutes; the defendant requested a preliminary hearing and the case was certified to the Eighth Judicial District Court in and for the Count of Clark for trial. On August 22 defendant was arraigned and the case set for trial before a jury September 15. Mr. MacBrair was so advised but, notwithstanding, left Boulder City and the State of Nevada on or about September 6 without consulting either our office or the Ranger's office in Boulder City. 

On motion of our office and upon our affidavit that in the event of a continuance the witnesses could be returned for the trial, the Court continued the case until Tuesday, September 30 at 10 o'clock A.M. 

Because of the nature of the crime our only witness to the real facts of the case is the daughter, Gaye MacBrair, and our chief corroborating witness is her mother, Mrs. Leona MacBrair. In view of this fact and of the further fact that MacBrairs were the complaining parties in the matter, it impresses us that your Department should be willing to cooperate in every particular to effect the return of Mrs. MacBrair and daughter for the trial. Anything you may do in this respect will be more than appreciated by our office. 

On September 11, the day the continuance was granted, I wired