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As a means of assembling the data required for this purpose there are enclosed three copies of a form of questionnaire and an envelope which requires no postage for your convenience in returning two copies of the form after the required information has been filled in.

It is earnestly desired that every non-scheduled operator who carries (or contemplates to carry) passengers or property for hire, fill out two copies of the form as completely and accurately as possible. These operators or owners of aircraft who do not (or who do not contemplate to) carry passengers or property for hire should fill out pages 4 and 5, showing their equipment and personnel and page 2, show the class and extent of operations they do engage in. Such operators are also invited to answer question 4 on page 3.

The information now sought is intended only for purposes of study and analysis. No action looking to material change in regulation of such operations under the economic provisions of the Act will be taken by the Board without further notice to all operators concerned.

Although the specific questions listed are designed to cover the field as completely as possible, there has been included on page 3 of the questionnaire the following general question:

"What economic regulation, if any, do you think would help to develop non-scheduled operations on a sound basis?"

All operators are invited to answer this question frankly and freely, and the fullest discussion of all phases of the question will be welcomed.

We urgently request your cooperation and assistance in supplying this information as promptly as possible and not later than November 15, 1941. If you have any difficultly in filling out the questionnaire, any inspector of the Civil Aeronautics Administration will gladly help you or, if you prefer, you may write to or consult with the Economic Bureau of the Board in Washington, D.C.

Very truly yours,
Raymond W. Stough
Director, Economic Bureau

