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1. Type of organization; corporation [[blank line]] 
Partnership [[blank line]]
Individual [[blank line]] 

1-A. If corporation, under laws of what State are you incorporated? [[blank line]]

1-B. Are you a citizen of the U. S. A. by birth?^4  [[blank line]] 
If naturalized, give country of birth [[blank line]] 

1-C. Are you certificated under the laws of any State, Territory, or Possession of the U. S., or any other country to carry passenger or property for hire?^5 [[blank line]]

2. Number of pilots employed^6 [[blank line]]

2-A. Number of licensed mechanics employed^6 [[blank line]] 

2-B. Number of other employees [[blank line]]

2-C. Do you operate an approved repair shop? [[blank line]]

2-D. If not, who generally does your major repair work? [[blank line]]

2-E. Approximate amount of hangar storage space [[dotted line with (Length) (Width) and (Clear height) typed underneath line.]]

2-F. Approximate amount of shop, stock room, office, and other space 
[[blank line]]
(Square feet) 

3. When did you first engage in commercial flying operations? [[blank line]]

3-A. When at your present base?  [[blank line]]

3-B. Have you been continuously so engaged since? [[blank line]]

3-C. Do you have any agreements, contracts, or other arrangements for the interchange of passengers or property with any other carrier?^5 [[blank line]]

3-D. Do you operate with some extent of regularity, services which connect with the schedules of any other air carrier?^5 [[blank line]]

3-E. Do you print or publish rates, tariffs, or schedules offering your services for the air transportation of passengers or property?^7 [[blank line]]

3-F. Do you carry passenger liability and property damage insurance? [[blank line]]

3-G. Do you carry aircraft insurance? [[blank line]]
Fire? [[blank line]] 
Theft? [[blank line]] 
Tornado? [[blank line]] 
Crash? [[blank line]]

4. What economic regulation, if any, do you think would help to develop non-scheduled operations on a sound basis? [[blank line]]

^4 If corporation, attach separate sheet listing officers, directors, and stockholders and show whether citizens or not.

^5 If so, describe on separate sheet.

^6 Show qualifications of pilots and technical personnel on page 5. 

^7 If so, attach copies of them to this report.
