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October 23, 1941

Mr. John D. Driskill
National Park Service
Manteo, North Carolina

Dear Dave: 

During our phone conversation yesterday I gained the impression that you had secured another position and that your resignation was to take effect the first of November. 

I tried to see Mr. Wirth yesterday but he was tied up all day in a budget meeting and of course could not be disturbed. I just returned from a conference with him this morning and I told him that you had said to me over the phone, and in replying he stated that conditions were very bad and were going to get much worse, and therefore, if you had a position to advise you to take it. I am trying now to arrange to store all of the equipment in our building at Fort Washington until the present emergency is over and in case this is authorized, I will then as you to fly both giros up here and land at Fort Washington and put them away in this building and the box, crate or otherwise pack all the spare parts, engines, etc. and ship by freight and we will store them also in this building. Concerning the Fairchild, I am wondering if you could land that on one of those large fields adjacent to Fort Washington then fold the wings or remove them and taxi the machine into Fort Washington where it could be stored as well. 

This is a keen disappointment to me as all of the plans I had worked so hard to bring about seem to have crumbled solely through the lack of funds. 

I am leaving early tomorrow morning on a leave of absence to go to Lancaster, Ohio, where I was born and where I expect to secure financial backing for my private enterprise. Failing in this I shall motor straight through to New York and talk to a very old friend of mine who gave me the fabric and canvas for the tent and who is giving me another 350 yards of a better grade for a new balloon, and ask him to take an interest and furnish the necessary.funds. 

If I am successful, I will be at the Miami Air Races in January, the Tampa State Fair in February and I will stop at Orlando and Jacksonville under the auspices of a local newspaper and Savannah, Georgia likewise. If this tour has proved to be successful, I shall then go to Atlanta, Memphis, Shreereport and Dallas as well. 

Now if you are not tied up, it will please me more than I can tell you to have you with me to take care of my equipment and when I was not