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Certified Aircraft Owners:

We are enclosing Form 334 "Report of Hours Flown in Private (non-air carrier) Flying Operations for the period January 1 to June 30, 1941". Your cooperation in promptly completing and returning the form to this office will be appreciated. Use the enclosed return envelope, which requires no postage.

The Administration has discontinued the practice of sending this form regularly to aircraft owners, as the information desired is now taken from Form AC-311 "Application for Periodic Endorsement". However, in order to check the accuracy of the data so obtained, it is necessary to ask you to complete the enclosed form for this one period.

Even though you did no flying during the reporting period, your report is requested. Furthermore, if you have sold the aircraft, please forward this letter with enclosures to the new owner and notify this office of his name and address.

Floyd B. Brinkley
Floyd B. Brinkley, Chief Publication & Statistics Division
