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[[?]] was very active at the picnic. He did some announcing and also filled in at the drums. 

that caused the beer keg to explode at the stag party the other night?

By this time Willie Bodine should know the way to Atlantic City. Some of the boys think he traveled at least 150 miles to make the otherwise 60-mile journey. Could you use a road map, Willie?

The GIRL FRIENDS want Bob Wagner for their steady scorekeeper, but the ENGINEERS have suggested he take up a primary grade course after the GIRL FRIENDS won two games thru Bob's arithmetic. 

Another member of the Kellett "Bachelor" club to resign is Al Moore. He will take the big step on October 11th. 

Wonder why Larry felt enthusiastic enough to discard his cane one evening (in fact, threw it away)? Why, fellows?

Build Giro Models

Interest in autogiros was stimulated greatly the past week through a syndicated newspaper article urging Junior Aviators--boys interested in aviation--to build a model autogiro along lines of the Kellett planes build for the U.S. Army. To [[?]] the Junior Aviators, sketches [[?]]

Grady. "I've seldom seen or heard of a more courageous bit of work in this city."

The workmen extinguished the blaze before the city firemen arrived. 

Those on the scene of the fire and complimented were: E. Nowack, J. Coultes, J. Weigner, A. DeLorenzo, B. Kline, C. Thurwanger, A. Greyer W. Wollfall, A. Durjardine, G. Charles, L. DeAngelo, De Matteo, J. Mescia, N. Marchio, W. Conners G. Hume, A. Cappella, R. Yunag, K. Jaeger, A. Malenki, and J. Pappas. 

Eight Pursuit Types for Air Forces

Q--How many types of pursuit planes are in service with or being produced for the U.S. Air Forces? 

A--Eight. Newest ships include the Bell P-39, Curtiss P-40, Lockheed P-38, North American P-51, and Republic P-43 and P-47. Older types are the Curtiss P-36 and Republic P-35. 

Q--What is the value of the military airplanes the American aircraft industry has contracted to build for the United States, Great Britain and other democracies?

A--More than five-and-a-half billion dollars worth.

Q--What country first armed an airplane with a machine gun? 

A--The United States. In 1909 at College Park, Md., a machine gun was carried on a Wright